3 Facts You Need To Know About Dental Crowns
Dental crowns have many applications. They can protect your tooth after you receive root canal therapy, or they can support teeth that have been damaged in an accident. If your dentist tells you that you need a dental crown, here are three facts you should keep in mind about the procedure:
You may be given local anesthetic.
You're probably used to receiving numbing injections before having cavities filled or undergoing root canal therapy. Your dentist numbs your tooth's nerves before these procedures so you don't experience pain. However, you may also be given numbing injections before your dental crown is attached. Although your dentist won't drill into your teeth while applying your dental crown, this procedure still has the potential to cause discomfort. Your dentist may need to tug the crown into place, and your tooth is likely to be more sensitive after it has undergone the shaping required to fit a crown. Local anesthetic will ensure you remain comfortable throughout the appointment.
You can trust your dentist to choose the best material.
Most dental crowns are made from porcelain. Porcelain might make you think of fragile teacups, but the porcelain used in dental applications is incredibly tough. In fact, your dental crown will likely be stronger than your natural teeth. There are a couple different types of porcelain used to make dental crowns and other dental prostheses. The most common type is glass leucite which is created by mixing glass with porcelain. This substance has a beautiful shine and is very sturdy. The second option is feldspathic porcelain which is made from the mineral quartz. It can look just like natural tooth enamel, so your dentist might opt for this type of porcelain when you need a crown on highly visible teeth.
You can eat your favorite foods.
Before your permanent dental crown is ready, your dentist will attach a temporary crown to your prepared tooth. This will keep the tooth that's been shaved down free from bacteria. It will also allow you to chew as long as you're careful. Because temporary crowns are only meant to stay in place for a week or two, they are not attached with a powerful adhesive. That means you can accidentally dislodge your crown by chewing gum, caramel, taffy, or other sticky foods. However, once your final dental crown is put into place, you will be able to chew gum and eat all the other foods you enjoy.
Contact a dentist like Gregory S Rutherford, DDS, if you think you need a dental crown.