Temporary veneers are installed as a part of the first stage of the dental veneer installation process. They are meant to protect your teeth until your permanent veneers are created and can be attached to your teeth. For this reason, your temporary veneers will only be applied using a light adhesive. This makes it easier for your dentist to remove them when it comes time to apply your permanent dental restorations. However, this can also make it easier for your temporary veneers to come off before your next appointment.
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If you have a damaged tooth, such as a tooth that is chipped or cracked, it is important that you get it fixed for not only aesthetic reasons but because the problem can become much worse. The dentist can choose different ways to restore the tooth, three of which are listed below.
Composite Bonding
Composite bonding can be used if you have a small amount of damage, such as a small crack or chip.
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Nervous about having teeth extracted? You aren't alone. Thousands of adults fear going to the dentist each year, knowing that they have cavities and teeth that must be removed. Scared about the possible things that could happen when you have your teeth removed? Here are a few things you can expect:
1. Swelling
You will likely feel some pain following the procedure, but this is nothing to worry about. You will be able use an ice pack to relieve the swelling, and your dentist may also provide you with some painkillers.
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if you're like most people, you're probably brushing your teeth with the wrong toothbrush. According to statistics, only about 28% of Americans brush their teeth after each meal. The same statistics show that over 18% of Americans don't floss their teeth. If you think you should be included in those statistics, you might want to change your daily oral hygiene routine. The first step is to make sure you're brushing your teeth properly.
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The temporomandibular joint connects the jaw and skull bones. Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) have multiple causes and cause different problems, such as difficulty opening the mouth, tenderness of the affected joint, and trouble chewing. As you can see, TMD can make daily life difficult. Fortunately, these lifestyle changes may help ease the symptoms of TMD:
Eat Well
What you eat may intensify your TMD symptoms. Since TMD affects your jaw, eating hard foods or foods that are difficult to chew may worsen it.
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