If you are tired of using whitening toothpastes and rinses, and nothing is giving you the results that you want, it's time to see a dentist like John P Poovey DMD PC. Professional whitening will be the solution to your current stain and discoloration problems.
The dentist can whiten your teeth without doing damage that over the counter treatments can cause, and they can make sure your smile is healthy. Here are a few reasons you want to whiten professionally.
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Once a missing tooth is replaced with a dental implant, the ball is largely in your court to ensure you preserve it well. Maintaining good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly for oral cleaning will ensure that the area around your implants does not develop any inflammation. The dentist will also remove hardened tartar on your gums and implants, ensuring that you stay clear of any infection that would cause bone loss and eventually cause your implant to come off.
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If you haven't been to the dentist in a long time, you might be reluctant to pick up the phone and rekindle your relationship. Even if you are scared of going back to the dentist, a routine visit might be easier than you think. Here are four reasons you should get back in the dentist's chair and get over the hump of that first visit back.
1. Your Dentist has Seen it All
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Regular flossing removes plaque and bacteria from between your teeth, helping to fight gum disease and tooth decay. But did you know the nasty bacteria that take up residence in those hard-to-reach places isn't just damaging to your teeth and gums? A growing body of research suggests that flossing to protect against gum disease also may help prevent heart disease, certain cancers, and dementia.
Heart Disease
Studies point to a link between gum disease and atherosclerotic vascular disease, according to the American Heart Association.
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Gum disease is a serious dental health problem that affects many people. It ranges in severity but, if left untreated, can lead to severe dental damage and tooth loss. Gum disease is caused by allowing plaque to remain on the teeth. When allowed on the teeth too long, it can quickly progress to tartar, which can only be removed via a professional cleaning. Once you have developed tartar, you're even more prone to it in the future, and if you don't keep up with your regular cleanings, you could find yourself with gum disease before you know it.
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